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I spend my cash on looking flash:)))))

You have no idea how much I looked for a maxi dress that’s actually maxi - for me that is! Everything out there is not long enough for me - even the tall section isn’t tall enough.

And then, when all hope was gone, my sister took pity on me, dusted the sewing machine and made this tube Grecian dress for me (I helped a little, mainly by screaming Omg, Omg, Omg all the time and generally being impressed). I’m super happy and I already implored her to make me one in every single color I love: red, blue, pink, green, maybe some floral pattern if I can find a nice fabric. If she hasn’t the time I’m gonna make them myself as I’m all about maxi this summer.

I dressed like this at one of my friends' birthday party – I was overdressed but then again, that’s how I role. As I wasn’t able to decide what brooch to wear I put a bunch of them on this black blazer and I went from there with the whole gold craze, adding a skinny belt and a pair of long earrings I made myself.

And then we have the triple finger ring (a skull sword with a snake wrapped around it) – Oh, man, I love it so much, I bought it from the boy’s section, I always find great things there, you should try it.

 black blazer – Ana Alcazar
 brooches and belt – vintage
 triple skull sword ring – Asos
 boots – rabdom brand

Do you do dig maxi?

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