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Underwear campaigns that make us droll

Based on the brand’s track record, we can safely say Armani has a soft spot for celebrity endorsers and in that niche sport personalities get the big slice of the cake. For the last few seasons we had the chance to see David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo and Rafael Nadal with only their Armani briefs on!

Don’t think we are not grateful for that! Armani has a proclivity towards elite athletes when it comes to its underwear line and I can see why, it works for everybody: men are happy, women are even happier. 

David Beckham is obviously my favorite – his willingness to strip down and show us his extraordinary physique is a thing of beauty. He’s really a visionary, the poster child (pun intended) for reaching outside your field of expertise. At this point Becks is basically a part time underwear model. And you know what, guys? He does a great job with this as well!

Back in 2008 Selfridges reported a 150% rise in sales for men's briefs after hundreds of fans invaded the store to droll over larger than life photos of Beckham showing his drawers. No wonder Victoria nicknamed him "Golden Balls" – the guy is worth his weight in gold!

I don’t expect everybody to agree with me so you can cast your vote in the comment section after carefully analyzing the pictures I’m going to provide for you!

So who looks hotter in their Armanis: Beckham, Ronaldo or Nadal?

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