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Cyprus – an introduction

I’ve been back for over two weeks and finally got around sorting some of the pictures from the holiday. Cyprus was amazing but I already feel the need for another vacation. Coming back to your daily routine from a beautiful place can be a bit depressing.

The first day was all about airports, amazing new landscapes, a torrid stroll through Nicosia (during which I almost died of thirst as I didn’t know that it will be so hard to find an open store in the middle of the day) and some quality time at the pool to cool off.

We acted like retard kids especially that first day - there were lots of wows involved (OMG!!! olives, OMG orange trees, OMG palm trees, OMG cactuses, OMG weird trees that we don’t recognize – exotic trees fascination all the way). 

The hotel was a dream (the one in Nicosia that is); the pool was perfect, the food amazing and the boys tall, dark and handsome - all great ingredients for an incredible vacation in paradise. 

Unlike many other fellow travelers (think high heels and beaded, sequined, short, sluty dresses) I actually wore something comfortable for the plane trip and first day in Cyprus!
 A little bit of orange picking!
The road - Instagram edition (yes I cave in for yet another social media platform)
 The view from my hotel room!
 A very cool and unfortunately expensive vintage/retro store in Nicosia
 Loving the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling!
I told you the pool was a dream!
 I'm wearing
jacket, necklace, hat, sandals / geaca, colier, palarie, sandale: H&M
watch/ceas - RumbaTime, Electric Wave Perry Slap Watch (buy here)
 swimsuit /costum de baie – vintage
dress, bracelets /rochie, bratari: New Look

  More stories and photos coming soon!

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