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Romwe Big Giveaway - CLOSED

I'm hosting yet another giveaway sponsored by Romwe  to celebrate the 2012 European Cup! The prize is very generous: a 100$ giftcard for you to spend on romwe as you please + a pocket watch valued at 85$ + an USB led message fan by Nortwest ( 35$)!

All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3 conditions are mandatory): 
Sign up on Romwe (if you didn't already)
Sharethis on your Facebook wall, tag @Pop Culture and leave the link in a comment
Leave a comment on this post with your email address (MUST be the one you used to create your Romwe account) and the link so that I can confirm you shared this post with your friends

 Items under 100$ I personally loved!

 For extrachances to win you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an extra entry):
1. Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ (mention this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
2. Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect (mention this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
3. Blog or tweet about it on your blog or Twitter account (mention this in a comment and leave the link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
4. Follow us on Tumblr  (mention this (your Tumblr page) in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you).
5. Follow us on Pinterest (mention this (your Pinterest name) in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)

The giveaway ends July 20th. The winner will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!
  Items under 100$ I personally loved!

 The Winner

I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Romwe. I’m very happy so many of you decided to join in. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something.  In the meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):

  …and the winner is... 
  No. 148 - that's Melody Lander! Congratulations!!!


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