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Say it ain’t so – Chanel, Rag&Bone rumored to get in bed with bloggers

…and by that I mean they might be considering some high profile fashion blogger as they brand ambassadors. I just thought that title sounds more scandalous:))))) I’m all about scandalous! I guess Chanel who doesn’t yet have a Twitter account (outrageous – I would love to know when Karl Lagerfeld has a bubble bath or what he ate for breakfast) is jumping on the social media bandwagon. Also rumored that two of the lucky bloggers they directed theirs high end fashion eyes to are Rumi Neely (Fashion Toast) and Jane Aldridge (Sea of Shoes). Hope they go through with this idea – that would be another awesome validation of the fashion bloggers importance nowadays.

Jane is a safe choice in my opinion (remember when Chanel dressed her for the Crillon Ball? You can see the dress in the last photo), but Rumi it’s an interesting one if I think that her style hasn’t the Chanel vibe (but it’s awesome none the less), on the other hand her blog is immensely popular so I can see the appeal.

                                        All pictures courtesy of Fashion Toast and Sea of Shoes

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