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Summer basics for fashion lovers

The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and the winter is loosening its grip and so the summer wardrobe is back on. I’m personally doing the switch as we’re talking. Building a good summer wardrobe is easy  and can be quite affordable as well.  You can look fantastic this season by following five simple steps. Finding the right garments – whether they’re stunning going out dresses from Forever Unique at or a gorgeous pair of shorts – has never been easier thanks to the myriad of online fashion shops.

So what do you need to transform your look for the summer? It’s really very simple, and doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

A great way to instantly add a splash of style to any look is by wearing a pair of fabulous sunglasses. And they’re not only fashionable, they’re practical too, helping to shield your eyes from the harmful sun. Spend some time finding the right pair of shades, because when you do, it will definitely be worth it. 

During the summer, it’s all about girly dresses, gorgeous skirts and bright colours. Too add a stylish edge, an oversized watch is a must. It will break up the femininity of your look, whilst giving you the opportunity to express yourself creatively. According to stylist for the stars, Clarke Mukherjee, “an oversized man’s watch can add just that little bit of street cred and toughness to an otherwise girly look.”

Spending more time outside during the summer is a given, so you’ll need a comfortable, stylish pair of summer shoes. Experiment with sandals, pumps or heels for a range of different looks. 

·         Hemlines
This season is all about hi-lo hemlines. Simply put, they’re dresses where the front hem of the garment is higher than the back, creating a gorgeous shape and silhouette. Available from most high street retailers, hi-lo dresses are sure to be a firm favourite this season. And with all the variety on offer, finding the perfect dress for your wardrobe should be easy!

·         Blazers
High street retailers across the country are filled with blazers this spring/summer season. Try a few different styles to find one that perfectly matches your stylish, fun, and bright, summer look.

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