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Me and James Dean

This is me last Saturday at Ab Fab dressed super comfortable and ready for a whole day of  fair and friends. All the credit for the photos goes to Denisa and Costin who always come to the fairs I go to support me and generally spend some quality time together as we rarely succeed to see each other these days when they deal with exams and me with my job and life. Love you guys!:)

The high waisted skirt is vintage and it literally goes with everything. The good part with a simple outfit is that you can accessories left and right (not that I need an excuse to do that) so I chose a flower headband and brooch that I made myself (they are part of my own accessories line - Alice&Sara) and lots of rings. I’m crazy about James Dean, he’s one of those rare persons that had something truly magical about him, he’s simply unforgettable hence the heart shaped brooch I’m wearing on  my striped cropped tee. The skull rings are a recent purchase and two of the rings I favor right now.

I’ve also enjoyed the company of some of my blogger friends: Sandra and Eve, Raluca and Silvia, Stella, Oliviana, Laura and had a blast with Anna, we spent more than an hour talking about our unhealthy addiction to TV shows, especially Supernatural that we both miss right now. She’s so much fun, smart and funny, we have so many things in common is beyond awesome, I was thinking about jumping on the "Doctor Who" bandwagon this summer and now I’m convinced.

I'm wearing:
skirt - vintage
cropped tee - random brand
 shoes – H&M
 rings: Miss Selfridge,  Dorothy Perkins and Forever 21
 James Dean brooch and flower headband – made by me (Alice&Sara, you can buy them here and here.)

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