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Event - Cupcake decorating workshop

Summer is here and so are the summer parties. And what do you know, last Thursday I was invited to a really cool one at The Vintage Pub!

I was obviously unable to say no to a cupcake event. In fact once I got the invitation I didn’t hear anything past the Childhood theme – they basically had me at “cupcakes”! A Willy Wonka chocolate factory situation was all I could think about!

And as it turns out the club was just as I imagined it to be for this party: candy everywhere, balloons, cupcakes, biscuits, lollipops - every kid’s dream (including me) brought to life.

 These were the cupcakes I made/dressed up!   

I finally found out how some cupcakes not only taste amazing but also look super pretty! No that this has ever stopped me to eat them! And I didn’t only discover the secrets but I also created a few masterpieces myself. 

The lovely ladies from Lidia`s Sweets were kind enough to show us the basics and then left us to go crazy on those cupcakes and biscuits. It was fun and delicious. I couldn’t believe how many creams, powders, colors, forms, brushes and so much more go into creating a good looking cupcake. Best workshop I attended in my life! 

And while we were there surrounded by all of the candy, like in fairy land outside the rain was pouring out! It was a nice feeling!

.... meanwhile outside

Bets part of the night - me and my team (Silvia, Oana and Sandra) won the grand price, a chocolate and strawberry cake that was beyond delicious.

Long story short - this contest opened up my eyes and if my current career doesn’t pan out I have something to land on - I’m going to be a grand pastry chef.

What do you think? Do I have the gift or not?
Photos: Cristina Hutu, me

How was your weekend? Any sweets involved?

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