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I got the magic in me

You probably guessed by now I’m really into the whole modern princess, fairy shebang. That maybe be because my life is so far away from what a princess life I imagine to be - I have a job and responsibilities and very limited funds. But you know what? The fact that you’re not a princess doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress like one. That’s my dressing philosophy in a nutshell.

The truth is they don’t make dresses like they used to. Take this one for example, I’m pretty sure it was created by a seamstress, it has no fancy label or anything but the level of detail, the shape and the fabric are all amazing - so much better than anything I could ever find in a high street store or even a luxury one. I’m not even talking about the size and length, we can’t be all a size 0 and sincerely where would be the fun in that?!

I made the blue and yellow flower crown myself, I love this kind of whimsy and unique accessories, the ones you can’t usually see on the streets and I do wear this on the streets. I think Harry Winston said it the best : "People will stare. Make it worth their while." And people in Romania stare a lot:)))))))))))))))) so I guess the least I can do it's to give them a run for their money:)))))).

I'm wearing:
 dress – vintage
 shoes – New Yorker
ring- Forever 21
 charm bracelets – random brand
flower crown – made by me (Alice&Sara, you can buy it here)

Would you wear a flower crown with no reason, just because you want to?

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