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When I was 16...

When I was 16:
   I saw the world through a magic colored glass and every emotion was oversized
PHOTO: Flamingo Sands by Belinda Chen

  I was crazy in love with two boys

  I was dreaming with my eyes open and walking on clouds

     I was insecure about everything except the fact that I will change the world

    I was reading as if there was no tomorrow

 I discovered fashion 

  I started using makeup for the first time

   I had very long hair

       I wanted something extraordinary to happen to me

   I was feeling that my friends were not enough 

 I had my first kiss, it was super awkward!:))))

         I was a drama queen  (still am)

   I was living in my head 

  I was listening to boy bands

    I was awesome

   I believed that when I’ll grow up everything will be easier and simpler

   I was sure that by now I would be rich, have the greatest job ever and know everything I needed to know

I didn’t want to move to New York and thought living in Bucharest would be awesome
I wrote this article after reading this.The thing is - I kind of feel the same as I felt when I was 16, at least when it comes to some aspects of my life!:)

What were you doing when you were sixteen?

Soundtrack: Azi ascut Alicia Keys and Jay- Z -- Empire State of Mind (New York) !

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