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Top 5 best Opening Credits in my book

You might know by now I watch a very unreasonable number of TV shows, I’ve picked this "vice" a couple of years ago and could actually write this article with no research what so ever and even without having sound on YouTube (cause I didn’t until 5 minutes ago).

I watch old and new shows, very good and very bad shows, comedies, dramas and everything in between, I give a chance to everyone of them. I usually hate the opening credits and prefer a show that has none or very short ones, but now and again there is one show that just has wonderfully inspiring opening credits and a theme song that you could hear over and over again and never get bored. 

They will get stuck in your mind years after the show is over and you’ll associate them with a time in your life. Here is my current top 5 best opening credits:

1. Sons of Anarchy (this is a brilliant show, I don’t think it has a strong following in Romania, I’ve watched it for 2 years now and it’s in his third season) - it has a badass opening credits. Unfortunately I didn’t find the original opening credits so we’ll have to do with the song and some cool images. 

2. True Blood (no comments here) - grossly awesome

3.Firefly (canceled after just one season but brilliant, has shortly become a cult TV series)

4.Dexter (no comment needed) – creepy and wonderful

5.My So Called Life (it’s kind of old (1994) and virtually unknown In Romania and was also canceled only after one season but it’s one of the best teen drama series and a wonderful depiction of the mid-nineties, it features and unforgettable and very young Claire Danes and Jared Leto) – I have lots of things to say about this show so I‘ll probably write a separate article about it

Now that I come to think about it there are to many wonderful shows  for just one short top 5 so I’ll have to make more of this. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

 Credeti ca are rost sa scriu si in romana sau intelege toata lumea ce debitez eu aici? 

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