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Incursion in my fashion dreams

I’ve asked myself countless time why I’m unable to update this blog as I should - often. The thing is I love fashion but I also get bored and sick of fashion. Life is so much more than fashion and I love so many things I can’t wholeheartedly write only about it. I used to have a personal blog, I wrote there for two years and then I had nothing else to say or I didn’t want to say anything else.

Still I think I need an audience and I actually think I need to write about something, so here I am, writing once a month about something fun and easy and enjoyable and hating the fact that spell check doesn’t work on my laptop. I also hate this new version of Word that I’ve installed on it trying to be hip and always on top of IT progress. I’m actually always under IT progress – I think I need a Facebook page! :)))))) One of the happiest hours of my life was when I somehow changed the html code for this blog and made it look like this – I’ve then forsaken it for a month and a half considering that effort was enough. In case you’re asking yourself what the hell am I saying here, keep doing that cause I don’t know myself – maybe is a sort of explanation of why I’ve been such a bad blogger.

And also know I’m a little bit happy and that’s because fall has finally come to Romania. Man, I love fall, it’s the perfect season – so inspirational, beautiful and melancholic; also you can actually wear clothes and not wish to live in your bathtub because of the heat. And if that is not enough, this is also that time of year when my favorite TV shows and possibly future favorite TV shows start again or just start. Just Wonderful!

I also love the direction fashion has gone this/last season (yes, I know this is so last spring but I’ve picked my favorites a long time ago and than forgot about them), it’s like every great designer has made an incursion in my fashion dreams and then came back and made a collection just for me. Thank you guys, please send two in every color of the following looks:
BCBG Max Azria
Max Mara
Tommy Hilfiger
Bottega Veneta
Andrew Gn
Carolina Herrera
Burberry Prorsum
Salvatore Ferragamo
Dolce Gabbana
Dolce Gabbana
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton
Cynthia Steffe
Rodarte and Preen (in the middle)
Sophia Kokosalaki
Julien Macdonald

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