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Go Texas!

I have to admit I’m very disappointed with this year edition of American Idol (the 9th). I think the level of talent is way lower than last year when I had so many favorites it was actually painful to watch the elimination process.

 However I’m still going to watch, maybe they get better with time – it’s almost unfair to compare them with last season batch who I think was the best ever on American Idol (Adam Lambert raised the bar so high I can only see the mistakes now). I already chose some early favorites and one stands out. Yes, I’ll say it – I’m rutting for Casey James who fills my cowboy fantasy for the time being.
Being cute is just a plus as I primarily like his voice. :):):))))))))))

Another great contender is I think Andrew Garcia. His rendition of  Straight Up in Hollywood week was brilliant.  

When it comes to the girls the only one that seems really interesting is Crystal Bowersox (although I’m not really convinced by her personality – she sees herself to much as an indie artist and therefore too good and originals for this kind of competition).

I still miss Paula Abdul although Ellen Degeneres is pretty funny and enjoyable as a judge.

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