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The props are alive

Did you notice that lately many of the photo shoots out there feature animals as props? Apparently cats, lambs, dogs and horses are the new hot accessories that a girl needs to be fabulous. Just kiddin’ but seriously I love the photos I saved in my computer and then realized they have this detail in common.

Ati observat ca in ultimul timp tot mai multe pictoriale folosesc “elemente de recuzita” vii? Pisicile pufoase, mieii, caii si cainii gigantici sunt din ce in ce mai prezenti in paginile revistelor si in campaniile publicitare. Initial am salvat aceste fotografii pentru ca mi-au placut si abia apoi mi-am dat seama ca au acest lucru in comun!

Bianca Balti Nude by Vincent Peters in Vogue Germany Feb 2010
 Victoria's Secret GQ UK February 2010
Anja Rubik in Vogue Nippon

Fara legataura cu moda: va plac animalele? Aveti un animal de companie?

Soundtrack: Azi ascult Jaymay!

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