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Finger Tattoos

Today's era finger tattoos are most famous and take over the fashion of nail art and wearing fancy rings for decorating your fingers. In the ancient times, there was a tradition among women having the name of their husband put on the ring finger. Now this is no longer limited to women; men also like to have tattoos on their fingers. In this type of tattooing an individual has different designs on each finger or even various designs on each finger.

Finger tattoos are the impressive format to represent eternal love between a couple with matching tattoos on their fingers. Sometimes these tattoos play a secret source of an inspiration role to build a positive bond between a couple. Name tattoo is the interesting idea for men and women inked on each other's fingers.    

Finger tattoos have to be really visible and impressive designs because it is always on display. The design you get is definitely based on personal choice. These tattoos range from the simplest to the most complex one. Some even have words or logos put on fingers.

Here we bring few finger tattoo ideas and designs. You can pick any one of them to make your choice.

Ring Finger Tattoo

Infinity Ring Tattoo

Heart Finger Tattoo

Feather Tattoo on Finger

Word Finger Tattoo

Finger Tattoo Lettering

Few Famous Finger Tattoos

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