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Alex and Sierra

I wanted to write something about Alex&Sierra for quite a while now. They were the main reason I watched this season of X Factor USA (them, Lily Mccloud and Carlitos Olivero that is) and I was supper happy my favorites actually won for a change. I thought Alex and Sierra were absolutely adorable and very talented starting with the very first audition and rutted for them ever since.

The fact that I find them cute is not a small thing either, as I’m not into mushy love stories or feelings for that matter. :))) I’m a total freak that way! My sister has to chase me all over the house for a hug and the words “let’s talk about our feelings” give me the chills.

That being said, I can’t deny Alex and Sierra are incredibly talented, have an amazing stage presence and chemistry. Not to mention they are both attractive and major goofballs. These two have known each other since high school and even though “they kind of dated then”, as Sierra puts it, it was nothing serious. They are together for two years now and they seem happy and very much in love.

Just look at this – you just can’t fake affection like that! Alex&Sierra’s rendition of Toxic by Britney Spears it’s too awesome for words!

Sierra is not only mesmerizingly beautiful, but she is also a brainiac, she was an A+ student, received lots of honors, was top of her class, she plays the piano and took dance classes since she was 2. Pretty amazing, huh? Alex seems to have been relying  more on his looks and charisma though, considering that after 5 years of Spanish he only knows one sentence in Spanish (Sierra did all of his Spanish homework in college). 

They also auditioned for American Idol and while Sierra didn’t get a yes from the judges, Alex made it through to Hollywoodweek. I can’t believe that someone heard them and didn’t think they were good enough. I bet you feel pretty silly right now, American Idol?!:))))

Apparently they were the viewers favorites since the beginning  - Simon Cowell revealed in an interview following the finale,  that Alex and Sierra were first in the voting every single week of the competition.

People called them the new Sony and Cher, but in my opinion they are something unique that can’t be compared with anything else, they seem genuine and fresh and I hope they will last and make it in the cutthroat music industry.

They do well in the fashion department as well: Sienna is a bombshell, she can pull off an evening dress like no other and can rock a boohoo outfit quite effortlessly. Her hair is the stuff of fairytale - long, wavy, shiny, perfect – major hair envy alert! Alex on the other hand has the hipster nerd look all figured out and he can wear a hat better than most.

They are now working on releasing they debut album, after they revealed on Instagram that they were signed to Columbia Records. Can’t wait to put my hands on that baby!

Meanwhile you can listen to the original covers they performed during the show, some of them were better than the original songs. Their rendition of Say something” by A Great Big World – it’s so beautifully hunting – no wonder it became number 1 on iTunes, making Alex&Sierra the first X Factor contestants to achieve that.

Photos and gifs: 1, 2.

I really hope that fame and success won’t change them much because they are just perfect the way they are now!

Have you heard of them? Any thoughts on the subject?

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