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10 perfect dress-jewelry pairings

The good thing about having a blog is that you get to share and write about all the things you love whenever you want and feel like doing so. And since two of my favorite things in the world are beautiful dresses and unique jewelry, this article was a long time coming. I always thought dreaming doesn’t require any budget so we should always dream big. 

That’s why I made a top 10 high end vintage dressed and diamond jewelry matches that I know will make you swoon. I think these are really timeless items, things that would stay with you forever and never really get out of style. Both a 50s dress and a pair of diamond drop earrings are so stunningly classy and glamorous and come not just as functional pieces, but represent a whole aesthetic and life style. Not being a real life princess should never stop you dressing like one! It's all about the way you see yourself and want others to do as well!

The dresses in the photos are part of my dream collection and I keep adding them to a folder I have on my computer (also a Pinterest board that is getting out of control). I love searching for them and  every time I find one I wouldn't mind owning, I just save it for my fantasy closet.

All the fabulous jewelry pieces I used in these collages are signed Anjolee– they have all kind of wonderful diamond and gemstone jewelry that can be customized by metal type (yellow gold, white gold or platinum), diamond quality, size and length - depending on your personal taste and even current trends. I especially love their engagement rings and matching bridal sets - these are actually rings I see myself wearing all the time with any outfit, just as they are meant to be worn.

 Vintage 1950s mustard yellow, straplesses dress with tulle skirt and matching diamond and gold earrings and ring

Vintage 1950s red and navy, rhinestone, cupcake dress with long earrings and a simple, square cut diamond ring

 1950's white lace over cream silk wedding dress with blue gemstones statement earrings and a fabulous engagement ring

1950's emerald green, silk dress with a bow velvet detail and a mixed, gold and white gold bracelet

1961 Balenciaga dress with platinum, diamond and blue gemstones jewelry

 Vintage 1950s bombshell polkadots dress with red gemstones earrings and a double, diamond ring

Retro style red lace, strapless dress with diamond and gold jewelry

 1950's chiffon dress with satin details and a bow belt with diamond and platinum jewelry

 1950's gold velvet & chiffon, full skirt dress (love the velvet bodice) with a gold leaves bracelet

Low cut pink on cream polkadots dress and a simple bracelet with diamond encrusted butterflies

 1951 midnight blue, silk dress with platinum diamond earrings and a blue gemstone ring
 Photos: 1.

Ok, you got me, there are actually 11 collages, I couldn't give one of them up once I made them!

You have to let me know in the comments section which match you think is the best? Any pair made in fashion’s heaven above? 

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