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It's an artistic smash!

"You can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape" - Little Edie

Scenes form the movie/ Scene din film
I’ve just finish seeing the new Grey Gardens and I have to say I loved every minute of it - Drew Barrymore totally deserved that Golden Globe.

In case you didn’t know Grey Gardens 2009 is a remake of the 1975 documentary shot by Albert and David Maysles and it captures the lives of two reclusive ex-socialites (mother and daughter with the same name - Edith Beales) who lived in the wealthy East Hampton for decades with limited funds in a run-down mansion. Edith "Big Edie" Ewing Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edith "Little Edie" Bouvier Beale were the aunt and first cousin of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

The documentary quickly became a cult classic and qualifies as one of the best documentaries ever made. In the new Grey Gardenes the two Edies are brilliantly played by Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. I think this is finally a movie were Drew can show how very talented she truly is.

The eccentric style of the original Edies has been a great source of inspiration for many, including big designers: the luxurious granny chic trend, 40’s inspired shoulders and nipped in waist (an Autumn 2009 trend), the headscarf held in place by jewellery, 50’s shaped swimming costumes.

Sus: imagine din documentar cu Big Edie langa portretul din tinerete si posterul original
Jos: scene din noul Grey Gardens

While promoting the movie Drew Barrymore clearly got inspired by the character she played and paraded some exceptionally beautiful outfits. Here are my favorites:

  Rochie Alberta Ferretti (Roger Vivier shoes and Fred Leighton jewels)

Rochie Andrew Gn (Badgley Mischka earrings, Lucifer Vir Honestus rings/bracelet, purple Christian Louboutin peeps-toes)

Rochie Giambattista Valli (Lorraine Schwartz jewels)

La premiile Emmy in 2009 a purtat o rochie Monique Lhuillier (Anna Hu jewels, Raven Kauffman “Drew” clutch and Casadei shoes)

 Rochie Elle Saab (Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, Lorraine Schwartz jewels and a peacock-feathered hairband)

 Rochie Narciso Rodriguez

 Rochie Nina Ricci Lorraine (Schwartz ring/earrings, Badgley Mischka brooch and House of Lavande bracelet animal-print Gucci peep-toe slingbacks)
 Tocmai am terminat de vazul Grey Gardens si mi-a placut fiecare minut! Drew Barrymore a meritat din plin Globul de Aur castigat in acest an si cred ca rolul “Little Edie” i-a dat in final ocazia sa demonstreze cat de talentata este.
      In cazul in care nu stiati, productia HBO este realizata dupa celebrul documentar Grey Gardens filmat in 1975 de Albert si David Maysles si devenit peste ani un documentar cult ce se claseaza in topul celor mai bune facute vreodata.

Fratii Maysles surprind viata de zi cu zi a doua doua foste doamne bogate (mama si fiica purtand acelasi nume) ajunse la ruina, care traiesc intr-o casa darapanata cu 29 de camere din bogatul East Hampton, New York.

Picanteria vine din faptul ca Edith "Big Edie" Ewing Bouvier Beale si fiica sa Edith "Little Edie" Bouvier Beale au fost rude apropiate (matusa si verisoara primara) ale celebrei Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

Desi initial documentarul a socat, dezgustat si ingrozit pe multi prin sinceritatea aroape cruda cu care prezinta situatia, in timp inocenta si nebunia excentrica a celor doua Edie le-a transformat in personaje cult si sursa de inspiratie in moda. Va recomand atat acest remake cat si originalul care este in felul lui o opera de arta despre tristete, artistocratie profund decazuta, persoane care traiesc fara sa-si ceara scuze, excentricitate si stil personal.
         Trendul granny chic, umerii in stilul anilor 40, talia puternic marcata, esarfa purtata pe cap si prinsa cu bijuterii, costumele de baie in stilul anilor 50 atat de prezente in trendurile ultimilor ani sunt toate inspirate de Grey Gardens si cele doua Edie.
In perioada in care a promovat filmul, Drew Barrymore a fost extrem de inspirata si a imbracat cateva tinute foarte reusite. Mai sus le aveti pe cele care mie s-au parut perfecte!

Aveti de gand sa vedeti Grey Gardens? Va place Drew Barrymore si vreunul din outfiturile despre care am vorbit?

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