The green maxi dress

I rarely feel overdressed – when you’re a part time fashion blogger these lines get blurred and you start believing this is how everybody feels about clothes. You do have rare moments of lucidity, but they are short lived and far apart!:))))

So if you happened to see me in the subway last Sunday dressed in this maxi dress and wondered where I was going, well, there was no wedding or prom involved – I was just meeting someone and thought I should break my new Miss Grey dress and take some pictures too (cause that’s what I do). I told you I was excited to try it on a few articles ago so here I am. I wish it was just a few centimeters longer, but, hey, you can’t have it all.

I also tried something new with my hair – a super silk, long ponytail that felt strange but looked good with the outfit. Sara said the only reason it didn’t felt like myself was because I’m not a 70’s model (I am in my head so the joke’s on her).:))))

Looking back, it was a bit much, even for me, but there are so many dresses to wear and not enough time to do it! The dress is obviously great for a summer wedding with the lace detail at the front and the choice of fabric and it will eventually be used for one of those!:))) In the meantime, I’m happy to entertain the good people of Bucharest who ride the subway or just innocently stroll in downtown Bucharest.

Dupa cateva sfarsituri de saptamana ploioase, am avut in sfarsit ocazia sa fac cateva poze cu rochia verde semnata Miss Grey de care va ziceam aici. Este perfecta pentru o nunta de vara, dar eu n-am avut rabdare sa astept ocazia potrivita si am scos-o la plimbare oricum.

Nu stiu voi cum sunteti, dar eu mereu port sandale sau incaltari fara toc la rochiile lungi oricat de elegante ar fi - nu mi se pare ca merg cu ceva inalt in cazul meu. Ceea ce-mi place mult este ca rochia asta se misca - materialul este super fluid si din aceasta cauza o auzi fosnind delicat tot timpul - e ca si cum ai avea propriul fundal muzical.:))) Si eu am simtit mereu ca am nevoie de un soundtrack.

 I’m wearing:
green maxi dress/ rochie lunga verde - Miss Grey (here)
  flat sandals / sandale - New Yorker
  clutch, ring / geanta cutie, inel - random brand
  ponytail extensions / extensii -  Irresistible Me
 clutch / geanta - random brand
earrings /cercei - here
sunglasses /ochelari - here

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